Pipeline through notebooks

Preprocess output directory

import sys
3.7.10 (default, Feb 26 2021, 18:47:35)
[GCC 7.3.0]

Import the needed packages

from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import pandas as pd
import sys
import os
import csv
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple


from slideseq.metadata import Manifest
from slideseq.metadata import Manifest, split_sample_lanes, validate_run_df
from slideseq.config import get_config
import slideseq.util.constants as constants
from slideseq.util import run_command

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline


We followed the same structure created for the original slide-seqtools repository. The classes and the containing datastructure are repeatedly used for parsing the excel file containing information about the experiment. The main goal of the associated dataframe is to iterate over all the directories within different libraries to create inermediate files within the output directory.

def get_flowcell(run_info: et.ElementTree) -> str:
    Get the flowcell name from RunInfo.xml. This should be more reliable than
    trying to parse the run directory, which might have been renamed.

    :param run_info: ElementTree representing RunInfo.xml
    :return: The flowcell name for this run
    flowcell = run_info.find("./Run/Flowcell").text
    return flowcell

def get_read_structure(run_info: et.ElementTree) -> str:
    Get read structure from RunInfo.xml. Assumes one index sequence only,
    will warn if two are present and ignore the second.

    :param run_info: ElementTree representing RunInfo.xml
    :return: Formatting string representing the read structure
    read_elems = run_info.findall("./Run/Reads/Read[@NumCycles][@Number]")
    read_elems.sort(key=lambda el: int(el.get("Number")))

    if len(read_elems) == 4:
        # two index reads. We will just ignore the second index
            "This sequencing run has two index reads, we are ignoring the second one"
        return "{}T{}B{}S{}T".format(*(el.get("NumCycles") for el in read_elems))
    elif len(read_elems) != 3:
        raise ValueError(f"Expected three reads, got {len(read_elems)}")

    return "{}T{}B{}T".format(*(el.get("NumCycles") for el in read_elems))

def get_lanes(run_info: et.ElementTree) -> range:
    Return the lanes for this run, as a range
    :param run_info: ElementTree representing RunInfo.xml
    :return: range object for the lanes of the run
    lane_count = int(run_info.find("./Run/FlowcellLayout[@LaneCount]").get("LaneCount"))
    return range(1, lane_count + 1)

class RunInfo:
    """A dataclass to represent RunInfo.xml for a sequencing run (a.k.a. flowcell)"""

    run_dir: Path
    flowcell: str
    lanes: range
    read_structure: str

    def demux_log(self):
        return f"demultiplex.{self.flowcell}.L00$TASK_ID.log"

    def basecall_dir(self):
        return self.run_dir / "Data" / "Intensities" / "BaseCalls"

    def alignment_log(self, lane: int):
        return f"alignment.{self.flowcell}.L{lane:03d}.$TASK_ID.log"

def get_run_info(run_dir: Path) -> RunInfo:
    # open the RunInfo.xml file and parse it with element tree
    with (run_dir / "RunInfo.xml").open() as f:
        run_info = et.parse(f)

    return RunInfo(
run_info = get_run_info(

Run infomation shows that there is one flow-cell and the files are present in the run_dir. A library contains two lanes.

RunInfo(run_dir=PosixPath('/home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/220329_A00689_0513_BHYK23DRXY'), flowcell='HYK23DRXY', lanes=range(1, 3), read_structure='42T8B41T')

We now construct the required sheet for running further steps in slide-seq pipeline

ws = load_workbook('/home/hsarkar/notebooks/slide_seq_analysis/2023/example_metadata.xlsx').active
from itertools import islice
data = ws.values
cols = next(data)
data = list(data)
#idx = [r[0] for r in data]
#data = (islice(r, 1, None) for r in data)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=cols)
run_df = df[constants.METADATA_COLS]
run_df.columns = [c.lower() for c in constants.METADATA_COLS]
import numpy as np
run_df = run_df.fillna(value=0)
run_df = run_df.astype(constants.METADATA_TYPES)
library date flowcell run_name bclpath lane sample_barcode bead_structure reference run_barcodematching locus_function_list start_sequence base_quality min_transcripts_per_cell email puckcaller_path bead_type gen_read1_plot gen_downsampling
0 P25255_1001 2022-28-03 Kharchenko 1 /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032... 1 TAAGGCGA 8C18X6C1X8M1X /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re... False 0 0 0 0 hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco... 0 False False
1 P25255_1002 2022-28-03 Kharchenko 1 /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032... 1 CGTACTAG 8C18X6C1X8M1X /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re... False 0 0 0 0 hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco... 0 False False
2 P25255_1003 2022-28-03 Kharchenko 1 /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032... 1 AGGCAGAA 8C18X6C1X8M1X /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re... False 0 0 0 0 hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco... 0 False False
3 P25255_1004 2022-28-03 Kharchenko 1 /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032... 1 TCCTGAGC 8C18X6C1X8M1X /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re... False 0 0 0 0 hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco... 0 False False
4 P25255_1001 2022-28-03 Kharchenko 1 /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032... 2 TAAGGCGA 8C18X6C1X8M1X /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re... False 0 0 0 0 hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco... 0 False False
5 P25255_1002 2022-28-03 Kharchenko 1 /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032... 2 CGTACTAG 8C18X6C1X8M1X /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re... False 0 0 0 0 hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco... 0 False False
6 P25255_1003 2022-28-03 Kharchenko 1 /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032... 2 AGGCAGAA 8C18X6C1X8M1X /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re... False 0 0 0 0 hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco... 0 False False
7 P25255_1004 2022-28-03 Kharchenko 1 /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032... 2 TCCTGAGC 8C18X6C1X8M1X /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re... False 0 0 0 0 hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco... 0 False False

The above data-frame are manually curated. One needs to check with the actual file-structure before creating such a worksheet. Traditionally, the researchers at Broad work with google sheets and fetch data with the sheet id.

Now we would describe the generation process step by step.

Step 1 (Preparing for demultiplexing)

Create folders and files for carrying out demultilexing

from slideseq.metadata import Manifest
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import csv

def gen_barcode_file(manifest: Manifest, flowcell: str, lane: int, output_file: Path):
    with output_file.open("w") as out:
        wtr = csv.writer(out, delimiter="\t")
        wtr.writerow(("barcode_sequence_1", "library_name", "barcode_name"))

        for library in manifest.libraries:
            if (flowcell, lane) in library.samples:
                for barcode in library.samples[flowcell, lane]:
                    # we don't write out barcode_name but the column is required
                    wtr.writerow((barcode, library.name, ""))

def gen_library_params(manifest: Manifest, flowcell: str, lane: int, output_file: Path):
    with output_file.open("w") as out:
        wtr = csv.writer(out, delimiter="\t")
        wtr.writerow(("OUTPUT", "SAMPLE_ALIAS", "LIBRARY_NAME", "BARCODE_1"))

        for sample in manifest.samples:
            if sample.flowcell == flowcell and sample.lane == lane:
                # output the uBAM directly to library directory
                sample.lane_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

                for barcode, output_ubam in zip(sample.barcodes, sample.barcode_ubams):
                    wtr.writerow((output_ubam, sample.name, sample.name, barcode))

def prepare_demux(run_info_list: List[RunInfo], manifest: Manifest):
    """create a bunch of directories, and write some input files for picard"""
    # Create directories
        f"Creating directories in {manifest.workflow_dir} and {manifest.library_dir}"

    for run_info in run_info_list:
        for lane in run_info.lanes:
            output_lane_dir = manifest.workflow_dir / run_info.flowcell / f"L{lane:03d}"

            output_lane_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
            (output_lane_dir / "barcodes").mkdir(exist_ok=True)

            # Generate barcode_params.txt that is needed by ExtractIlluminaBarcodes
                output_lane_dir / "barcode_params.txt",

            # Generate library_params that is needed by IlluminaBasecallsToSam
                output_lane_dir / "library_params.txt",

def validate_demux(manifest: Manifest):
    """verify that `prepare_demux` was run previously"""
    if not manifest.workflow_dir.exists():
        log.error(f"{manifest.workflow_dir} does not exist")
        return False

    for flowcell_dir in manifest.flowcell_dirs:
        run_info = get_run_info(flowcell_dir)

        # Create directories
        log.info(f"Checking directories in {manifest.workflow_dir / run_info.flowcell}")
        for lane in run_info.lanes:
            output_lane_dir = manifest.workflow_dir / run_info.flowcell / f"L{lane:03d}"

            for p in (
                output_lane_dir / "barcodes",
                output_lane_dir / "barcode_params.txt",
                output_lane_dir / "library_params.txt",
                if not p.exists():
                    log.error(f"{p} does not exist, demux looks incomplete")
                    return False

    return True

def validate_alignment(manifest: Manifest, n_libraries: int):
    """verify that alignment was run and output is present"""

    for i in range(n_libraries):
        library = manifest.get_library(i)

        for p_list in (
            for p in p_list:
                if not p.exists():
                    log.error(f"{p} does not exist, alignment looks incomplete")
                    return False
        return True

run_name = '1'
output_dir = Path('/home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/processed_data')/\
flowcell_dirs = sorted(Path(fd) for fd in set(run_df.bclpath))
manifest_file = output_dir / "manifest.yaml"
metadata_file = output_dir / "metadata.csv"

run_info_list = [ run_info ]
config = get_config()

manifest = Manifest(
            metadata=split_sample_lanes(run_df, run_info_list),
                set(e.strip() for v in run_df.email for e in v.split(","))

At this point we have read the config file stored within the slideseq-tools directory, curtailed to our need

Config(picard=PosixPath('/home/hsarkar/code/slideseq-tools/soft/picard/build/libs/picard.jar'), dropseq_dir=PosixPath('/home/hsarkar/code/slideseq-tools/soft/Drop-seq_tools-2.5.1'), reference_dir=PosixPath('/broad/macosko/reference'), workflow_dir=PosixPath('/broad/macosko/data/workflows/flowcell'), library_dir=PosixPath('/broad/macosko/data/libraries'), gsecret_name='projects/velina-208320/secrets/sequencing-credentials/versions/latest', gsheet_id='1kwnKrkbl80LyE9lND0UZZJXipL4yfBbGjkTe6hcwJic', worksheet='Experiment Log', gs_path=PosixPath('macosko_data/libraries'))
Manifest(run_name='1', flowcell_dirs=[PosixPath('/home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/220329_A00689_0513_BHYK23DRXY')], workflow_dir=PosixPath('/home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/processed_data/1'), library_dir=PosixPath('/home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/processed_data/libraries'), metadata_file=PosixPath('/home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/processed_data/1/metadata.csv'), metadata=       library        date   flowcell  run_name  \
0  P25255_1001  2022-28-03  HYK23DRXY         1
1  P25255_1002  2022-28-03  HYK23DRXY         1
2  P25255_1003  2022-28-03  HYK23DRXY         1
3  P25255_1004  2022-28-03  HYK23DRXY         1
4  P25255_1001  2022-28-03  HYK23DRXY         1
5  P25255_1002  2022-28-03  HYK23DRXY         1
6  P25255_1003  2022-28-03  HYK23DRXY         1
7  P25255_1004  2022-28-03  HYK23DRXY         1

                                             bclpath  lane sample_barcode  \
0  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032...     1       TAAGGCGA
1  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032...     1       CGTACTAG
2  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032...     1       AGGCAGAA
3  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032...     1       TCCTGAGC
4  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032...     2       TAAGGCGA
5  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032...     2       CGTACTAG
6  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032...     2       AGGCAGAA
7  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/22032...     2       TCCTGAGC

  bead_structure                                          reference  \
0  8C18X6C1X8M1X  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re...
1  8C18X6C1X8M1X  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re...
2  8C18X6C1X8M1X  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re...
3  8C18X6C1X8M1X  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re...
4  8C18X6C1X8M1X  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re...
5  8C18X6C1X8M1X  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re...
6  8C18X6C1X8M1X  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re...
7  8C18X6C1X8M1X  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/slide-seq-re...

   run_barcodematching  locus_function_list  start_sequence  base_quality  \
0                False                    0               0             0
1                False                    0               0             0
2                False                    0               0             0
3                False                    0               0             0
4                False                    0               0             0
5                False                    0               0             0
6                False                    0               0             0
7                False                    0               0             0

   min_transcripts_per_cell                     email  \
0                         0  hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com
1                         0  hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com
2                         0  hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com
3                         0  hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com
4                         0  hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com
5                         0  hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com
6                         0  hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com
7                         0  hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com

                                     puckcaller_path  bead_type  \
0  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco...          0
1  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco...          0
2  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco...          0
3  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco...          0
4  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco...          0
5  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco...          0
6  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco...          0
7  /home/hsarkar/code/slide-seq-data/P25255/Barco...          0

   gen_read1_plot  gen_downsampling
0           False             False
1           False             False
2           False             False
3           False             False
4           False             False
5           False             False
6           False             False
7           False             False  , email_addresses=['hiraksarkar.cs@gmail.com'])

Create folders using the manifest files

[ ]:
prepare_demux(run_info_list, manifest)

Step 2 Demultiplex (Has to be run in command line)

demultiplex.sh should contain the locations that can be determined from the worksheet and the manifest file


Run the following script


We can see the created files here

n_libraries = len(list(manifest.libraries))
for library_index in range(n_libraries):
    for run_info in run_info_list:
        for lane in run_info.lanes:

                library_index,run_info.flowcell, lane))
            sample = manifest.get_sample(
                library_index, run_info.flowcell, lane)

            for barcode_ubam in sample.barcode_ubams:

After demultiplexing it multiple unmapped bamfiles will be created for each barcode within lane. If there is one sample_barcode for each lane then it will only create one file.

Step 3 Merge the barcode.unmapped ubams and

[ ]:
n_libraries = len(list(manifest.libraries))
for library_index in range(n_libraries):
    for run_info in run_info_list:
        for lane in run_info.lanes:

                library_index,run_info.flowcell, lane))
            sample = manifest.get_sample(
                library_index, run_info.flowcell, lane)

            for barcode_ubam in sample.barcode_ubams:
            bead_structure = sample.get_bead_structure()
            xc_range = ":".join(f"{i}-{j}" for c, i, j in bead_structure if c == "C")
            xm_range = ":".join(f"{i}-{j}" for c, i, j in bead_structure if c == "M")

            if not sample.raw_ubam.exists():
                if len(sample.barcode_ubams) > 1:
                    cmd = config.picard_cmd("MergeSamFiles", manifest.tmp_dir)

                    for ubam_file in sample.barcode_ubams:
                        cmd.extend(["--INPUT", ubam_file])
                    run_command(cmd, "MergeBamFiles", sample)
                    if sample.raw_ubam.exists():
                        os.rename(sample.barcode_ubams[0], sample.raw_ubam)

Step 4 recover whitelisted barcodes (Takes long run from command prompt)

Step 4a: Extract the barcodes (42bp) from the bam files

fp = open('../../../scripts/write_shell.txt','w')
for library_index in range(n_libraries):
    for run_info in run_info_list:
        for lane in run_info.lanes:
                library_index,run_info.flowcell, lane))
            sample = manifest.get_sample(
                library_index, run_info.flowcell, lane)
            if sample is None:
                print('sample not present')

            awk_command = "awk 'NR%2 {{print > \"{}\"}}'".format(str(sample.raw_barcode))
            cmd = [
                "cut -f10 |",
            fp.write("{}\n".format(' '.join(cmd)))

Run the commands

parallel -j 8 < /home/hsarkar/code/slideseq-tools/write_shell.txt

Step 4b: Create whitelist (Ideally one should borrow information from image analysis)

All the follwoing commands should be run from command line and not notebook

The barcodes will be written using the following script

python scripts/createwhitelist.py

Step 5: Create the refined bam files

python scripts/recoverbam.py

Step 6: Run the alignment step

python scripts/alignment.py

Step 7: Run processing pipeline

python scripts/processing.py